spring case study: stephanie

I talk about ☁️ CHROMA ☀️ a lot (the saturation of color), and it really matters.

For example, when you swipe to see Stephanie in bright colors, and then soft colors, you’ll see some subtle but powerful changes. 🧐

*No filter, no makeup. All photos were taken seconds apart.*

Spring vs Summer

In the bright candy pink of Spring (photo 1), Steph looks totally illuminated. 🌟

Her skin’s inner spotlight has been switched on. Her face is forward and she is totally alive and present with us. Her lips are pinker and her hair even looks blonder! 🦩

However, in the Summer powder pink (photo 2), Steph’s skin has gone suddenly ruddy (pink) and her healthy color has drained away. Her face appears to be retreating from view. Her beauty is taking a literal backseat to the color she’s wearing. In other words, this pink is wearing her! 🫥

Color and Social Skills

Let’s talk about how color affects your social skills 🔍

Wait, what? Social skills, seriously? 🤨

👉🏼YES! There’s something very special that happens when you’re wearing the right colors for you. You will appear to be *physically closer* to the viewer.

Take Spring Steph in Spring’s bright true green (photo 1) and then Summer’s seafoam green (photo 2).

In the side-by-side at the end, which photo draws you in? In which color does Stephanie appear to be more engaged, more inviting?

It’s clear to me that Spring green is the winner!

If Your Eyes Are Blue…?

Steph has insanely blue eyes, so it’s easy for her to wear almost any blue. It’s inherent to her! But with a little color magic, she can enhance her whole face, not just her 💎 eyes.

After all, why not get a total glow with 0️⃣ effort?!

In the Spring sky blue, Steph looks totally illuminated. Her skin’s inner spotlight has been switched on. Do you see the brightness in her cheekbones? She is dewy and fresh like a beach babe! 🦋

In the Summer powder blue, Steph’s eyes are popping, but that’s where the benefits end for this hue. Her overall appearance is flat compared to the bright sky blue.

Is she still gorgeous? Heck to the yes! But as the side-by-side shows us, soft colors don’t love Steph back like brights do. So, we’re breaking up with them. ✌🏻

I love helping my clients see themselves glow like this, know they can achieve it daily!

Are you ready to get your glow on?

View your options for Personal Color Analysis now!


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