winter case study: michele

Gorgeous Winter Michele couldn’t look “bad” in any color (and neither could you, btw), but the effect that cool, saturated colors have on her are undeniable!

These results are TYPICAL of my Winter clients - this glow is exactly what we see in the mirror when your colors hit.

Winter vs Summer

In the intense ultraviolet purple (above, photo 1), Michele looks like she is illuminated from within. 🪄 Her inner spotlight has been turned on! Her skin is bright and even, almost like she has been airbrushed. How is she even real? It’s not magic, it’s COLOR ✨

In the soft Summer lavender (above, photo 2), Michele is still beautiful, but this purple just doesn’t love her back the way ultraviolet does. Lavender is giving her dark under eye shadows that aren’t actually there! Look again at the side-by-side (above, photo 3) and you’ll see what I mean. She’s a Winter! ❄️

Winter vs Spring

In cool, saturated merlot (above, photo 1), Michele looks glowy. Her complexion is even and vibrant, and the combination of bright AND cool brings her porcelain skin alive. Can you see that?!

However, just any bright color won’t do.

In the warm bright Spring tan (above, photo 2), Michele’s face is unnaturally shadowed. The overall texture of her skin has been visibly altered. None of these effects are true to Michele’s actual face!

Check out that side-by-side (above, photo 3) and see which color draws your gaze into Michele’s big doe eyes, and which looks completely out of place on her.

Winter vs Autumn

In the cool magenta (above, photo 1), Michele is in focus, glowing, healthy! My eyes go straight to her face, I want to make eye contact, and the vibrancy of the pink suits her perfectly. 🌺

In the warm coral (above, photo 2), however, Michele looks drab and shadowy, not at all a natural state for her. She appears tired and out of focus. All warm colors will have the same affect on her! 🦩

I love helping my clients see themselves glow like this, know they can achieve it daily!

Are you ready to get your glow on?

View your options for Personal Color Analysis now!


autumn case study: hailey


january jumpstart 2023